Benefits of Ergonomics

How I Can Benefit You

  • increase productivity
  • increase quality of work
  • improve employee morale
  • improve employee retention
  • reduce your number of worksite injuries
  • reduce your number of lost workdays
  • reduce your number of work-restricted days

I conduct thorough ergonomic assessments, complete with a written report that includes links to equipment and furniture recommendations that have been proven to help those suffering from workplace pain. My onsite or virtual assessments also include a work/task analysis of a typical job with recommendations on ways you can move differently to reduce pain, with a focus on good body mechanics and energy conservation.

Benefits of Ergonomics

“MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders) are the top nonfatal occupational injuries, accounting for 1 in 4 workplace injuries. That comes at a significant cost of $20 BILLION a year. It’s a human issue and a business issue.”

National Safety Council (NSC)

Reduces Costs

  • 59% average reduction of MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders), also referred to as ergonomic disorders
  • 75% reduction in lost workdays
  • 53% reduction in restricted days
  • 68% reduction in worker’s compensation costs
  • 39% reduction in cost per claim

    Indirect costs have been found to be between 5 and 20 times the direct costs of an injury. (Indirect costs = wages paid during lost production time, training costs for another employee to cover the injured worker’s job, presenteeism, legal costs, etc. — all not covered by worker’s compensation.)

Improves Quality

  • 67% average reduction in scrap/errors

    Poor ergonomics can lead to premature fatigue that affects quality of work. For example, an employee using a tool that is too large for his hand might not fasten a part as tightly as required due to fatigue, and therefore the quality of the product suffers.

Improves Productivity

  • 25% increase in productivity

    By designing a job or workspace that promotes good posture, fewer wasteful motions, less exertion, and adjustable heights, the workstation becomes more efficient.

Improves Employee Retention

  • 48% average reduction in employee turnover
  • 58% average reduction in employee absenteeism

    When employees do not experience fatigue and discomfort during their workday, it can decrease absenteeism, improve morale, reduce turnover, and increase employee involvement.

*All statistics courtesy of The Washington State Department of Labor (WSDOL). The WSDOL reviewed 250 case studies on ergonomics, and found that ergonomics positively impacted cost savings, MSD incidence rates, productivity rates, and product quality. You can also check out their Ergonomics Cost-Benefit Analysis Summary.

My neck and back already feel better from your little changes to my desk and computer today.”

geophysicist @ the u.s. geological survey