
Many people that have pain at work either spend the majority of the day in one spot or have a poor workstation setup. Having proper ergonomics in the workplace can prevent injuries and pain. Whether you are an employer or an employee, I can help you identify risk factors and provide solutions to reduce your pain.  

Office Ergonomic Assessments

  • In-person office assessments (& home office assessments) in Colorado
    • Spot assessments (<30 min, on-the-spot recommendations)
    • In-depth assessments (~1 hour, on-the-spot recommendations + a detailed report)
  • Remote office ergonomics assessments tailored to the individual
  • Ergonomic furniture recommendations / ergonomic equipment recommendations before you purchase

In-Person Staff Ergonomic Training
(1 hour up to full-day live trainings)

  • Lunch-and-learns
    • general ergonomics and body mechanics
    • industry-specific ergonomics
    • safe lifting techniques
  • Half-day industry-specific ergonomic trainings
  • Full-day general and industry-specific trainings
city industry factory warehouse

Industrial Ergonomic Assessments & Injury Prevention Solutions

  • Ergonomic risk assessments for specific jobs, departments, etc.
  • Job Demands Analysis (JDA) (for return to work programs, and/or to recommend job modifications)
  • Ergonomics and body mechanics training programs
  • Pre-shift warm-up programs
  • Stretching programs
  • Customized “train-the-trainer” programs (ergo training for managers/leaders)

Healthcare Ergonomic Assessments

  • Precision ergonomics / lab ergonomics
  • Dental ergonomic assessments (staff and patient considerations)
  • OR ergonomic assessments (operating room assessments)
  • Environmental accessibility, signage, and lighting
  • Sound mitigation for patient privacy
  • Safe patient handling / body mechanics training
  • Environmental design
people on a video call

Virtual / Remote Ergonomic Assessments

  • Live through Zoom (or your preferred platform)
  • Virtual ergonomic assessments (you fill out a detailed OSHA-compliant checklist and take measurements and I return personalized recommendations)

Remote / Virtual Ergonomics Training

  • Live through Zoom (or your preferred platform)
  • Recorded ergonomics trainings
  • Tailored industry ergonomics

“I feel proud that we are being proactive to take care of our employees’ work health. We’ve reduced our number of reported MSDs by 18% already in the last quarter by using your recommendations. Thank you for your hard work!”

warehouse manager @ rigid foam insulation facility

“Lots of great information that I never thought about when designing before. Now I feel like I can develop equipment that really considers the OR staff’s comfort.”

Engineer @ medtronic